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Milton Keynes City Council: Enhancing Service Delivery with LocalGov Drupal

Partnership Achievements


Microsites designed & built


Secure Areas developed


Bespoke modules developed


Additional projects & external integrations

Read about how Webcurl designed and developed a new website for Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC) using the LocalGov Drupal CMS platform, and delivered additional projects that contributed to MKCC's improved service delivery.

MKCC's Website Project: Transforming Resident Services

Challenge: Improve community engagement through a revamped online presence within a tight deadline.

Approach: Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC) adopted a "digital by default" approach, aiming for a self-serve website. However, their existing platform couldn't handle high user traffic.

Result: This case study explores how MKCC partnered with Webcurl to redesign and organise their online presence within looming deadline for the expiration of the support and hosting of their old website. MKCC achieved a modern, accessible website to support their "digital by default" strategy.

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By choosing Webcurl, Milton Keynes have been able to save


on their initial implementation budget

"Webcurl understand the needs of Milton Keynes City Council. I think the rapport and the relationship we have with the team has played an integral part in Milton Keynes digital success"

Tina Surti

Digital Communications Manager

"Collaborating with Webcurl and LocalGov Drupal allowed us to design, build, and develop our Council website and four micro sites at the cost equivalent of two in house developers over two years."

Hannah Brunt

Project Transformation Manager

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Website Rebuild

We helped to design, build, host and support the new MKCC website using LocalGov Drupal

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Secure Areas Project

We developed four Secure Areas to support the handling of sensitive school information


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Elections Portal

We developed a portal that enabled the council to accurately showcase election data in real time


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Consultations Module

We built a consultations module that keeps residents up to date with the latest consultations


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Website Rebuild

Problem: MKCC faced a hard deadline for the expiration of the support and hosting of their old website. Following a linear project plan wouldn't have resulted in delivery within the time scale.

Solution: Webcurl provided early access to a partially migrated site (page title only) enabling MKCC to review & rewrite all of their content during the early build stages of the project.

Benefit: A significant reduction in the overall project timeline which enabled MKCC to launch their new site ahead of the hard deadline.


"Since the successful launch of the first Secure Area with Webcurl, we have now developed two additional areas for schools with even greater levels of security."

Tina Surti

Digital Communications Manager

Secure Areas Project

Problem: MKCC needed to create a secure system on their website for schools to access sensitive information (such as remittance, penalties, and health reports) with access restricted based on user roles and enhanced security permissions.

Solution: Webcurl developed the Secure Areas module, which utilises levelled security protocols enabling schools to access the sensitive information the council are obliged to provide safely. This user-friendly module provides MKCC with a secure, centralised solution.

Elections Portal 

Problem: MKCC faced the challenge of effectively presenting election data to residents in an easily understandable and visually appealing manner, which was user-friendly to set up for the election staff.

Solution: Webcurl developed an intuitive solution for generating and updating election details from spreadsheets. Additionally creating a big screen wallboard to project live data in polling stations.

Benefit: MKCC staff can generate elections quickly and manage the publication of elections via website and visual displays.

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Consultations Module

Challenge: MKCC needed a way to provide residents information about consultations on their website.

Solution: Webcurl developed a consultations module that presents information in two display types: a high-level list and a detailed expanded view. Additionally, integration with GOV.UK Notify allows users to sign up for automatic email updates.

Benefit: Residents can now easily view, engage with, and keep up to date with the latest consultations.

How Webcurl can help

Webcurl GOV empowers councils to navigate the digital age with confidence and ease, providing a comprehensive suite of digital tools and services that help councils maximise their online engagement. Powered by cost-effective open-source technologies, our products facilitate innovation, flexibility, and collaboration.   


We can work with your council to create bespoke Webcurl digital products that meet your council's unique needs and requirements.   


If you would like to find out more about the other digital tools and services that make up Webcurl’s complete digital experience platform, please get in touch


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Since 2008 Webcurl have been on hand with expert advice, development and support for our clients to enhance their digital transformation goals. 

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